We’re joining forces with our Firstie Friends today to bring you another fantastic Facebook Hop full of freebies.
Click {here} to head over to our
Fluttering Through First Grade Facebook page.
Look for the Firstie Friends Gingerbread Hop picture just like the one above hovering up next to our “Likes” on our Facebook page.
Click on it and get hopping.
You have to like each page to grab their freebie.
But hurry…The hopping stops on Tuesday.
In case you’re dying to know…And since we were the kids who scoured the house searching for presents in an effort to spoil our own Christmas mornings, here’s our gift all unwrapped.
We’re all about the skill reinforcement games right now in class!
Gingerbread Jump is a great introduction to question words and reading comprehension.
Both color and black and white game boards and cards are included, plus 2 follow up worksheets to extend the game and learning.
Many more of these to come, so let us know what you think!
Happy Hopping!
We’re spending the day putting the finishing touches on one of our favorite collaborative class projects.
Gingerbread House Hoopla
A Gingerbread House Building Project for your Lil’ Cookies
should be done tomorrow and added to our TpT Shop.
It has everything you need to set up a Gingerbread Sweet Shop, family notes, teacher tips, and activity extensions.
It has been our favorite way to celebrate the holidays with our class for going on 18 years.
18 years of gingerbread house making experience all wrapped up into one pretty package.
That’s making us feel incredibly old a long time.
We can’t wait to share our tricks of the trade with you!