We've been lost on Safari for over a week the past few weeks! So sorry, but the blog service is terrible in those parts. Which loosely translates to ~ Holy Cow, can we be any busier at the moment?!? If you've been following us for awhile, you know we've been exploring all of the habitats since January. However, around this time each year, we stay a little longer in the Savanna to dive into our Social Studies learning all about Africa. As part of our learning, we run ... VIEW POST
Stuck on Safari!
Word Wall Spin! **FREEBIE**
Tick Tock goes the Word Wall clock. Time's almost up Folks and we need to get these words off the wall and into their brains ASAP! To help our class master the Word Wall without even knowing it, we created Word Wall Spin! We print, cut and laminate enough spinners for each student to use in one of our center groups. They sit in front of our Word Wall or at their desks with a smaller word list and start spinning! We use the below worksheets to differentiate the learning. With each ... VIEW POST
Pocketful of Memories ~ Memory Writing Craftivity for K-5
The countdown's on...How many days do you have left? We're trying not to count because we have SO much left to do. But, being job share partners, we don't mind our total days left because we can divide by 2. The downside, our paychecks follow the same protocol... We are really tightening up our writing skills, and adding a little crafty twist to wrap up our school year. Pocketful of Memories is our K-5 differentiated memory writing craftivity. We create the pockets as a whole class, ... VIEW POST
5 For Friday and Life is Better with Friends Giveaway
It's Friday-which means we are one week closer to summer and it's also one of our favorite days to link up. It's 5 for Friday! Our post is going to the birds... We have been battling birds outside our classroom for years now. The Culprit=Black Crows. Did you know that they are not scared of first graders? Or their teachers? They are on a mission... Any and all Brown Bag Lunch Bags are their targets. Doesn't matter if the bags are tucked inside a student's backpack with only ... VIEW POST
Instagram Insanity!
We have procrastinated long enough...We thought it might go away, but it's not... We have a confession, and please pardon us because in about 6 words or so our ages will be showing... We don't get the hash tag thing at all. It doesn't make sense. Last we checked, this so called, "hash tag" thingy was a lazy man's way of writing a number sign or the timeless tic tac toe board. When did they come up with "hash tag"? And, who is sitting back laughing that we all just agreed to this hash tag ... VIEW POST
5 for Friday…Finally!
We adore this Linky, and we adore our friend Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching! What we don't adore is the fact that we haven't had even 5 minutes to link up in the past few weeks. Plus, we had this post ready to go yesterday, but it was Fried Day, so here it is on Saturday. Anyone else on the sink or swim plan these days? We're doggy-paddling at the moment...But, we're still afloat! Here's our 5...Finally! Is there a cure for Spring Fever? IV? Prescription? Chewable? Anything?!? ... VIEW POST
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