Welcome to our 2nd Edition of Fabulous Finds!
We love the idea of finding things that others have tried and loved. Link up below to share your Fab Finds for February!
Our first Fabulous Find is eos Lip Balm
95% Organic ~and~ 100% Natural
A ton of different varieties:
Summer Fruit, Lemon Drop SPF 15, Strawberry Sorbet, Medicated Tangerine, Honeysuckle Honeydew, Sweet Mint, Pomegranate Raspberry
Find them at Target, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid for a cheap $3~Costco has a 5-pack online for $14.99
While you‘re picking up your new lippy, grab our next Fabulous Find, Revlon Crazy Shine nail buffer (one stop shopping-we love that!).
Your nails will look like they have a clear coat of polish on without a drop of nail polish. They call it Crazy Shine-we think it’s Crazy Cool! This is similar to the mall kiosk that charges $100 for their kit. But this is Crazy Priced at around $3-4.
And our last Fab Find is a little something for the classroom; Display Easels from the Dollar Tree.
We found these lil gems for a buck and they are perfect for our friends who have a difficult time transferring from a flat surface onto their paper. We also use them in our Workshop Centers when something needs to be displayed for a group activity like vocabulary words or something of the sort.
We would love to hear about the Fabulous Finds you have found. Link up below with us and share the Fabulousness!
*Our only request is that you grab the button at the top of this post and link directly back to this post from yours.*
Can’t wait to see your February Fab Finds!