Our Listen Up Family is growing! wink emoticon
Listen Up 3 has just been added to our collection.
We’re so excited to start the school year with daily listening practice because our class needs a lot of practice learning how to listen! Over the years, we’ve found listening is a skill that can be challenging for our little learners…But, they do LOVE to talk! We really don’t blame them…Life’s moving fast nowadays and stopping to listen seems to be a thing of the past.
But, this can make teaching and learning a little more challenging in our classroom. So, we created our Listen Up series to provide differentiated listening skills practice for our “little learners”…Though we’ve heard from a few reading specialists, speech and language pathologists, ELD instructors and even upper grade teachers who are loving it too!
-Listen Up Binder or Folder Cover (Color & Black and White)
-Listen Up Instructions for Use
-Listen Up Class Poster (Color & Black and White)
-25 Listen Up Print and Go Lesson Printables
-25 Differentiated Listen Up Lesson Cards (Beginner)
-25 Differentiated Listen Up Lesson Cards (Intermediate)
-Common Core Standards Tracking Sheets for Listening
-Listen Up Rubrics
-Listen Up Self Assessments
Once our students get the hang of our Listen Up activities, we will ask them to use these self assessments to reflect on their own listening awareness.
We keep track of their Listen Up scores on these recording sheets as we work through the daily activities. It’s a great tool that we LOVE to share at parent conferences. We keep a few of their activities over the school year to compare their progress and give parents insight into their own child’s listening skills. We’ve even sent a few Listen Up activities home for homework or optional practice, which gets our parents involved and excited about the practice too!
The easiest way we’ve found for storing all of our our Listen Up activities is in a 3-ring binder. We use page protectors, which are copy machine friendly, and keep all of our lesson printables and lesson cards together in one place!
If you’re new to our Listen Up activities, we’ve created this Listen Up freebie for you to try.
We’ve also put all of our Listen Up units on sale for a limited time.
You can grab Listen Up 1, 2 or 3 separately or we’ve bundled all 3 together at a discounted price.
**Please note ~ This bundle replaces our recently retired Listen Up 1 and 2 Bundle which is no longer available.** If you already own the retired bundle, you can grab Listen Up 3 for the new school year at the discounted bundle price for a limited time.