Well, we feel like we've given the Mayans and Nostradamus ample response time to end the world and so far they've got nothing! In the words of Tammy's 5 year old nephew...Phewf So, since the world is sticking around for hopefully another billion zillion years or so, we'll have to continue learning about it in class. Phewf... Which is actually a good thing. Not only that the world is sticking around... But, also because we adore teaching our class about Habitats! It's tough though... We ... VIEW POST
The World Didn’t End, So Teach About It We Must…
SNOW Close and a Frosty Giveaway!
We are SNOW close to Winter Break! Tomorrow, our winter wishes will come true!! Two whole weeks of sleeping in holiday bliss! Squeal! This week, we've really spent time just enjoying our time together. The events of last week have reminded us to really take every moment, beyond standards and test scores, to enjoy them...Our heart still aches, and we know it will for a very long time to come, but as teachers we feel we owe it to our own students and those precious angels who lost their lives to ... VIEW POST