We've been spinning through the week celebrating our Earth, Earth, and more Earth. We've recovered nicely from our 2 mile walking field trip to the local supermarket, and moved onto more eco teacher friendly activities. We had an on-site field trip about 20 feet from our classroom today ~ We ran there! :) When we arrived {out of breath ~ us, not them} we were in awe to find the Wyland Clean Water Mobile Learning Experience. It was 45 minutes of pure hands-on Eco-ness, as we learned ... VIEW POST
Earth Week Extravaganza…
Earth Week Wildness
We feel like we hit the floor running Monday morning and are just stopping to grab a quick breath. Only not like marathon or 10k running...No, more like one of those cartoon characters whose feet just keep spinning and spinning in place, never really getting anywhere kind of running. After Friday's "Southern California Typhoon" (as we're calling it) hit our school, sweeping all control from our precious classroom, we had no idea what we would be walking back into come Monday morning, but we ... VIEW POST
Message Center Class Letter Writing
Around this time of the school year, we find that friendships can be tested from time to time. It seems, one minute we’re the best of friends, and the next we "Don’t ever want to be your friend ever, EVER again!”. It’s hard to keep up sometimes...Can't we all just get along?! To help our students remember that friends make the world go 'round, we’ve introduced beginning letter writing with our “Message Center” routine. We keep a permanent Message Center station set up in our class. It has ... VIEW POST