~Blogger Meet Ups will always hold a special place in our hearts.~
We will
always remember our first one just a few months back. We were total
newbies, blogging a whole 3 days! But, to meet face to face with a few
of our favorite bloggers and meet some new friends too was a day we are
grateful for each and every day as this journey continues.
So, when Hadar announced on her blog that we were doing it again, we
jumped at the opportunity! We are “people persons” and sitting down face
to face with other bloggers really makes this whole blogging thing feel
like “real life” ~ Or, we’re sorry in Common Core Lingo “non-fiction“. We’re sooo P.C C.C!
It was a day of talking, eating, talking, sipping iced tea, talking, laughing, talking, talking, and talking.
It was wonderful! To sit down with a group of dedicated teachers and share, compare, and make each other aware is just what we needed to push us into October!
Thanks for a FABULOUS afternoon Ladies!
The only thing missing was Christy, but her hubby and her are away in Dallas for a 40th Birthday Celebration! Next time…
And there will definitely be a next time!
If you’re not already following these fabulous blogs, be sure to check them out!