Summer Time = Shopping Time and we’ve jumped in with both feet.
We just made a trip to the Dollar Store to purchase some items to give
our room a little facelift and quickly found that we are not alone.
Who knew there were other women out there who enjoyed shopping as well-Cuhrazy, we know!!!!
We picked up some fabulous organizing items in our new favorite colors . . .
Also found this perfect little helper for our Shoe Tyin Friends. . .
Stumbled upon this lil gem for our Word Wall. . .
We love the fact that you can spruce up your room and get organized without sacrificing your Summer Fun Fund!
We’ve linked up with some other F.F.S. (Fabulous Frugal Shoppers) over at Ladybug’s Teacher Files. Bop on over and find some great shopping tips, grab some new summer project ideas, or just go and be inspired to get out there and start the summer off right!
Happy Shoppin!
Christy & Tammy