You've probably walked down this road school hall before... You write a class newsletter... To thoroughly communicate with parents. You spend hours recapping all of your class events, providing important announcements and keeping all our students' families in the loop. Then you send it home... And hope...And possibly pray... That families will actually READ IT! But, they don't... Instead they show up at your class door and ask you questions to which you really wish you could ... VIEW POST
Bright Ideas for the Classroom ~ Get Your Class Newsletter Read at Home!
Bright Ideas Linky! Student Art Portfolios
We absolutely adore teaching art in our classroom. How do we find time for art, you might be wondering? We are fortunate to teach at a school that has a PFA sponsored art program, which allows us to learn and practice the techniques of a designated artist each month. We love it! Here's a few of our favorites from this year... Remington Georgia O'Keefe Asian Inspired Art Picasso At the end of the year, each student selects their favorite ... VIEW POST
Bright Ideas Blog Hop
Fishies Can't Write ~ Writing with Class Mascots Teaching our students to master writing mechanics has always been a big challenge for both of us. Most of them come to us barely able to compose a complete sentence. Most of them need to leave writing a complete paragraph. We work hard all year to move mountains build their writing confidence, but sometimes it takes a little help from our friends...Our fishy friends. We've always maintained a class aquarium for our students. Last week, our ... VIEW POST