We've learned a ton about making TpT products over the years, and when we opened this one up this year, we just couldn't help but resuscitate the rabbit. Peter Rabbit was one of the very first units we ever made, and the bunny was in dire need of a little Botox. Peter Rabbit Redo... We've brought this unit from 29 to 62 pages, and added a ton more activities for those little rabbits. Here's a closer peek at our Peter Rabbit Redo... What's Included:-Peter Rabbit Vocabulary Cards & ... VIEW POST
The Tale of Peter Rabbit ~ Lesson Plans and Activities
Spring into First Grade! Math and Literacy Centers for the Season
Spring is in the air! Or, at least it should be right about now... We know our Snow Day friends agree...Right? Plus, we Southern Californians have had exactly 4 straight days of real rain, so that is pretty much about all we can take...Ask our freeways. We are getting excited to put our winter centers away and pull our spring centers out to let them play...And, by play we mean work really hard...They just don't see it that way, but that's A Ok with us... We are coming down the homestretch, ... VIEW POST
Call It Fall Y’all!
Did you feel that? We did. 3.3 seconds of Southern California Fall. Yep. It happened. Barely, but we're calling it. The temperature dipped below 90 degrees the other day. Yes, it was during the daylight... So, it's official. We're kicking summer to the curb. Sunglasses out, scarves in. To help us ring in the new season, we're excited to pull out our Fall into First Grade Common Core Math and Literacy Activities for the Season We created these activities last year to make our lives ... VIEW POST
America the Beautiful *Freebie* Facelift!
Nothing like Just like they retrofitted the Statue of Liberty many, many years ago, we've given a MUCH needed facelift to our America the Beautiful Freebie on TpT. America looks darn good for 237, but our old unit...Not so much. We've updated the fonts and clip art with some of our favorites. All the activities are the same, but cuter... We can admit when we need a little work done. Word Cards Little Book Word Building America is our first Social Studies unit when we ... VIEW POST
Stuck on Safari!
We've been lost on Safari for over a week the past few weeks! So sorry, but the blog service is terrible in those parts. Which loosely translates to ~ Holy Cow, can we be any busier at the moment?!? If you've been following us for awhile, you know we've been exploring all of the habitats since January. However, around this time each year, we stay a little longer in the Savanna to dive into our Social Studies learning all about Africa. As part of our learning, we run ... VIEW POST
Heart Boxes and I Love Learning Freebie!
We were inspired by sweet Cara over at The First Grade Parade last year and did a great word scramble activity. We grabbed these at the Dollar Tree ... We numbered each of the boxes with a permanent marker. These are just a few. We know they are not in order. We can count. Sometimes... We made 100 of these sweet things. We told you... We love February! We realized we had a TON of plastic letters from years ago. We have to admit, they were collecting dust...Only because they ... VIEW POST