We posted this picture of our fish themed first day of school activity on our Instagram page the other day and had a lot of requests to share! One of our favorite first day of school activities to welcome our new school of fish into our ocean themed classroom is to create these O-FISH-Al Welcome Back Bands. It gives our first graders a little down time during their long first day back to school, and it gives us a quick first day assessment to see how their coloring and cutting skills are from ... VIEW POST
Ocean Themed Classroom & First Day of School Freebie
Class CHAMPS Classroom Management for Little Champions
About this time 5 days ago, the words, "We're getting our butts kicked by 6 year olds" might have come out of our mouths gone through our heads. But fortunately for three day weekends, we did what any teachers who are getting their butts kicked by 6 year olds have a 3-day weekend would do... We devised a plan! We've been using CHAMPS behavior management for a few years now. But, since we were getting our butts kicked by 6 year olds started school last week we decided to kick it up a few ... VIEW POST
Free Technology Responsibility Posters #1
We are relishing in Summer Vacation! So far we've been to the beach, the lake, organized 5 drawers, and laid down the law when it comes to summer device time with our home school summer students...AKA our own kids. Day 2 of summer and we mean business. Our Theory... Nobody ever looked back at childhood summers and relished in the fact that they passed level 515 in Clash of Clans or built the sickest Minecraft City known to man... Sorry, kids... We know... Times have changed... But ... VIEW POST
Teacher Created Resources ~ Classroom Pick Me Up and Step Into Spring Giveaway!
Decorating our classroom is a passion of ours. We spend an awful lot of time there, so we should love it! Naturally we were delighted when Teacher Created Resources contacted us to offer a few of their new classroom decor items. Here's what arrived at our door! A box full of chevron and polka dots...which we adore! We've had our eyes on two areas of our classroom that needed some serious TLC. Our Guided Reading Area Before... Our Calendar Board Before... These ... VIEW POST
5 for Fraturday
We're linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching a little late because we've been flying in and out of town, trying to soak up our last rays of summer sunshine. But, we're back and gearing up for a great school year! Christy spent some of her last days of summer in Ohio for a huge family reunion. They had a great time catching up with family and taking in the sights. Here's some highlights from their trip... Tammy's family ventures to San Diego for a week each summer. Growing up by the beach ... VIEW POST
Homework Folders Update!
We've just finished updating all 10 of our original Homework Folders. Why you ask? They were actually fine the way they were. But, you know what happens when you give just a little too much summer to teachers... They find ways to avoid cleaning out home clutter keep busy. So, what's new? We've added a few new features to all of our folders for the new school year... We really love the covers of the units we made last year...So much so, that we decided to offer an option for the homework ... VIEW POST