We're going with the Field of Dreams, "If you build blog it, they it will come." mentality at the moment. 29 days and counting left in the school year for us, which we are sure may seem like a lot to some of you who are ending this school year much, much sooner, but we will get our payback time come July. ;) We really don't know what it is about the end of the school year, but we absolutely love it! Perhaps it's because the pressure is off. The learning is learned. The books are read. Homework ... VIEW POST
That’s a Wrap! End of School Activities
Crazy for Hot Cocoa!
Nothing says loco quite like cocoa! It's amazing the work our class will do for the stuff! They are crazy for hot cocoa! We create this Loco for Cocoa bulletin board each year and leave it up past the holidays because, well, people drink hot cocoa in January too...And maybe even February...But, you didn't hear that from us. :) We spend the weeks leading up to winter break bringing a lot of special activities into our classroom, but our Hot Cocoa Party is one of our favorites. Mostly because ... VIEW POST
Holiday Class Book Exchange
Does your class exchange gifts at the holidays? The holidays are a great time of year to host a Class Book Exchange! Quickly after Thanksgiving in the classroom, we send home a request for each student to bring a book in to exchange for our class book exchange. Our guidelines for books are clear and we give plenty of time for families to find and wrap their books. We always have a few extra books on hand for any student who may not be able to provide their own. We allow them to choose the one ... VIEW POST
We’re Having a Red Party!
We love all colors. Really we do. We're equal opportunity color connoisseurs... But, when it comes to February, Mr. Red definitely steals our hearts. Don't tell our husbands. Though, something tells us they aren't really overly threatened by Roy G Biv... Truth be told we LOVE it when Valentine's Day falls on a weekend celebrating Valentine's Day in class. This year, we adore it because the day after is a school holiday! The kind where not even the teachers have to go. Thank you Mr. ... VIEW POST
Class Halloween Party ~ Spooktacular Celebration!
We LOVE Halloween! We know the kids do too. We are allowed 2 parties per school year, and Halloween is the perfect time for us to throw a Spooktacular Celebration with our class... We BOO! Bingoed! We experimented with mixing liquids by making Spooky Water. Cheers to Spooky Water! We made Ghostie Gliders! We made toilet paper pumpkins... Our favorite crafty treat! It was an hour of Spooktacular Fun! As an extra special treat, we pulled together these Monster ... VIEW POST
Spooktacular Celebration
The Spooky Season is upon us. Many of you have plunked down your pumpkins, staked your scarecrows, displayed your dats bats, and dusted off on your cobwebs. It's time for the creepy, crawly, scary, and spectacular. No matter how we slice it, we know everyone will be wired beyond belief excited! Let's just say, the week of Halloween is a total bust thrill... The day before we are wired. The day of we are wired. The day after we are exhausted and wired. The day after the day after we are ... VIEW POST