Throwing it back to you, while we're throwing back as much summer as we can. The countdown is on people! We must squeeze every morsel of sunshine in before the school bell tolls. But, we've had a few midsummer nightmares about our new batch of firsties in recent weeks...Which can really only mean one thing. We are further from the end of school and closer to the beginning. Ouch. That hurts to even type... We are dreaming of things like wild lines where nobody stands straight...And, shouting ... VIEW POST
Throwback Thursday ~ Stickerboard Style
5 for Friday…Finally!
We adore this Linky, and we adore our friend Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching! What we don't adore is the fact that we haven't had even 5 minutes to link up in the past few weeks. Plus, we had this post ready to go yesterday, but it was Fried Day, so here it is on Saturday. Anyone else on the sink or swim plan these days? We're doggy-paddling at the moment...But, we're still afloat! Here's our 5...Finally! Is there a cure for Spring Fever? IV? Prescription? Chewable? Anything?!? ... VIEW POST
5 for Friday!
T.G.I.F. And, you know what that means? It's time to link up with our friend Kacey over at Doodle Bugs! It was a beautiful week with a glimmer of Spring! And, you know what that means? Spring Fever. We don't blame them... We've got it too. Spring Break is only 6 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes and 6.7 seconds...wait...6.2 seconds away. But, who's counting? Here's Our 5 To alleviate all symptoms of teacher fatigue Spring Fever, our class has been prescribed a heavy dose of ... VIEW POST
Classroom Morning Routines…
Starting our school day off on the right foot is important to us. It sets the tone for the entire day. Or, so it feels... But, we really cannot predict what the transition from home to school has in store for us until each and every last foot has crossed through our classroom door, all chairs are down, kids accounted for, and the teachers can commence breathing... We find having a morning routine is incredibly important to our sanity in class. It helps set each day off right and gives our ... VIEW POST
Stick to Good Behavior: Sticker Board Classroom Management Motivator
Even after 15 years of teaching first grade, we are constantly rethinking our behavior management system. What may have worked last year, doesn't quite pack the same punch this year. Then suddenly, that circa 1999 teaching trick we thought we retired along with our potato sack dresses, works like a charm! Kids are funny that way...Unpredictable, yet totally predictable at the same time. We have found one thing that has stayed pretty predictable over the years... Kids LOVE stickers! and Kids ... VIEW POST
What’s Your Trick? Terrific Tickets and Class Raffle
Ahhhh, let the Countdown begin! Summer will be here soon and it will be a time of rest and relaxation for all of us tuckered-out-teachers. A time of not getting up and out the door in the morning and not having recess duty or bus duty or not attending staff meetings and not conferencing with parents and not worrying about homework, reports, projects, lunches, etc. etc. etc. BUT, until then-what on earth do you do with these Summer Spastic Students??? We are pulling out all our tricks to ... VIEW POST