Our Southern California weather is a funny thing... You might already be laughing and asking yourself, "Weather? You have weather?!?" Contrary to popular belief, it does drizzle rain in Southern California. And snow. And earthquake. Don't worry. We know earthquakes aren't weather. But, you've got to give us Californians something. We've been orphaned by Mother Nature...we don't have much. And, we have to admit, we do get slightly jealous of all these so called, "Snow Days" ... VIEW POST
Wonderful Weather
5 for Friday!
It's 5 for Friday Time! That needs a theme song, we think. We're finding it one of our favorite days of the week, actually. Yep, totally love Friday. Here's a glimpse at our 5. People.it.is.freaking.March...That is all. No, that's not really all. That would be a total waste of number one. Okay, it is March!!! Which means we're getting our March Sharing Pages prepped and ready. The kids feel like old pros by now, and are nearly running our Sharing Page time themselves. They are even ... VIEW POST