We believe public speaking skills should be taught early on in the primary classroom. Giving students multiple opportunities to speak in front of their peers sets the foundation for lifelong literacy learning. Plus, it hopefully helps them steer clear of the, "Just pretend everyone is naked!" public speaking technique. :D We have never done the traditional “sharing” in our class. Instead, we use our sharing time each week to practice and develop beginning public speaking skills with ... VIEW POST
Public Speaking Skills Practice for the Primary Classroom ~ The Power of Sharing Pages
That’s a Wrap! End of School Activities
We're going with the Field of Dreams, "If you build blog it, they it will come." mentality at the moment. 29 days and counting left in the school year for us, which we are sure may seem like a lot to some of you who are ending this school year much, much sooner, but we will get our payback time come July. ;) We really don't know what it is about the end of the school year, but we absolutely love it! Perhaps it's because the pressure is off. The learning is learned. The books are read. Homework ... VIEW POST
5 for Fraturday
We're linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching a little late because we've been flying in and out of town, trying to soak up our last rays of summer sunshine. But, we're back and gearing up for a great school year! Christy spent some of her last days of summer in Ohio for a huge family reunion. They had a great time catching up with family and taking in the sights. Here's some highlights from their trip... Tammy's family ventures to San Diego for a week each summer. Growing up by the beach ... VIEW POST
5 for Friday!
It's 5 for Friday Time! That needs a theme song, we think. We're finding it one of our favorite days of the week, actually. Yep, totally love Friday. Here's a glimpse at our 5. People.it.is.freaking.March...That is all. No, that's not really all. That would be a total waste of number one. Okay, it is March!!! Which means we're getting our March Sharing Pages prepped and ready. The kids feel like old pros by now, and are nearly running our Sharing Page time themselves. They are even ... VIEW POST
Show & Tell Tuesday Valentine Style…
We're linking up with Denise over at Sunny Days in Second Grade again this week for Show & Tell Tuesday! This week's edition...Valentine's Day! Let's just say, we LOVE February!! All pun intended... Seriously... This was our Target dig run from the other day... We are showing you, but we MUST ask you NOT to tell...These things have a way of not "making" it into the house...if you catch our drift...wink wink...elbow nudge...shhhhhh...They do not exist... Our February Sharing ... VIEW POST
Sharing is Caring! Giveaway
Happy Thanksgiving Friends! Our list of things to be thankful for grew just a bit this year...From our Facebook Page, Pinterest Boards, TpT, to this bitty Blog of ours, this sharing community of educators we have found picks us up when we're down, humbles us when we're up, and just keeps us putting one foot in front of the other each day. We are so thankful for each and every one of you! Thank you for challenging us to be better teachers after 15 years of teaching. Thank you for making us ... VIEW POST