We're going with the Field of Dreams, "If you build blog it, they it will come." mentality at the moment. 29 days and counting left in the school year for us, which we are sure may seem like a lot to some of you who are ending this school year much, much sooner, but we will get our payback time come July. ;) We really don't know what it is about the end of the school year, but we absolutely love it! Perhaps it's because the pressure is off. The learning is learned. The books are read. Homework ... VIEW POST
That’s a Wrap! End of School Activities
Five for Friday
We love Five for Friday and we're finally linking up again after...Forever! Our annual first grade "Wonderful Weather" show was a hit! It's the perfect culmination to all of our weather learning! These productions always take some time to pull together, but the kids do such a great job! Unfortunately, their teachers didn't do as great of a job hanging onto the show banner last year. We'd had it for many years and we have a feeling we tossed it before school started thinking we'd just make a ... VIEW POST
Visual Reminders for Listening
Teaching our young learners how to listen is a true teaching passion for us. For years, we have felt that for whatever reason, our students have become more and more disengaged from their own learning. Yet, the deeper we dug into our concerns, the more we realized that for whatever reason, many of them truly didn't know how to listen. So, we made it a point to start purposefully teaching kids the who, how and what of truly good listening skills both in and out of the classroom. But, let's be ... VIEW POST
Week of Thanks & Giving Day 3 & 4
We're extending Day 3 of our Week of Thanks and Giving... And here's Day 4! Enter the Rafflecopter below. We're picking 2 winners to be announced tomorrow! a Rafflecopter giveaway Good luck! ... VIEW POST
Holiday Class Book Exchange
Does your class exchange gifts at the holidays? The holidays are a great time of year to host a Class Book Exchange! Quickly after Thanksgiving in the classroom, we send home a request for each student to bring a book in to exchange for our class book exchange. Our guidelines for books are clear and we give plenty of time for families to find and wrap their books. We always have a few extra books on hand for any student who may not be able to provide their own. We allow them to choose the one ... VIEW POST
Week of Thanks and Giving
Thankful doesn't begin to describe this journey we've been fluttering along with all of you for the past 3 years. To give thanks to you for fluttering along with us, we're kicking off a week of Thanks and Giving exclusively for our Fluttering Through First Grade fans...7 days ahead stuffed with goodies just for you! Be sure to check here or our Facebook Page each day for our daily deal or steal! If you're not already following our TpT Store, you might want to do that too...just saying. ... VIEW POST
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