No pun intended, but we love celebrating Valentine's Day in our classroom. Here are a few of our favorite ways to celebrate Love Day with the Littles... We throw a Red Party every Valentine's Day in our classroom. From red foods to wearing red, we embrace the color of love all day long. As you can see, we try to keep it somewhat healthy with bagels, strawberry cream cheese, and red fruits. The kids are so excited and don't even notice the donuts are missing. We sneak in a little reading and ... VIEW POST

Valentine’s Day in the Classroom

Message Center Kindness Cards with Treat by Shutterfly
What a treat to learn that one of our favorite photo sites, Shutterfly, has a sister site called Treat Greeting Cards! What a treat to be given creative carte blanche by Treat to create a class set of greeting cards! The possibilities are endless...But, we were super excited with our choice! Totally perfect for first grade! Don't you think? We found a similar picture of kids' hands in the shape of a heart on Pinterest. The image led to nowhere, so if it's yours please let us ... VIEW POST

We’re Having a Red Party!
We love all colors. Really we do. We're equal opportunity color connoisseurs... But, when it comes to February, Mr. Red definitely steals our hearts. Don't tell our husbands. Though, something tells us they aren't really overly threatened by Roy G Biv... Truth be told we LOVE it when Valentine's Day falls on a weekend celebrating Valentine's Day in class. This year, we adore it because the day after is a school holiday! The kind where not even the teachers have to go. Thank you Mr. ... VIEW POST
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